Update: 01/02/2025

Stats are based on the full set of check-ins from the last 30 days made by people on the 10K+ list. Updates every 10 hours (approximately).

Full info below the table.

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  • Yeah, the table is so detailed that you won't see much on a phone screen, sorry about that. A big screen - ideally, a really big one - is highly recommended in this case.
  • The data is collected from users pages, going one by one, alphabetically (based on logins, not display names) through everyone being monitored. After a full round, the table gets updated.
  • The table refreshes every abot 11 hours, but keep in mind that with unlucky timing (like if you check right after the latest data for a user has been pulled), a check-in might show up after nearly 22 hours. This is especially true for folks with usernames starting with "A."
  • Refreshing might be slower sometimes (e.g., lots of check-ins or internet problems).
  • This approach means that any edits to check-ins are only accounted for within a short window of time.
  • It also means that if someone does more than 300 check-ins in 11 hours, unfortunately, some will get skipped (UT's limitation). Just saying - some people drink fast. 😉
  • All times in the table, as well as day breakdowns, are based on Universal Time (UT/GMT). This is currently the most logical approach but comes with caveats - especially for check-ins from far-off time zones like the US, Australia, or Japan. For those regions, the day-based charts are, let’s say, very approximate.
  • The only exception to this rule is the "last updated" time visible in the table title - that’s based on Polish time.
  • The user list is pulled from the monthly 10K+ list. Because of that, full updates with country in Home column to the displayed users will be done once a month, around the 1st of the month. But in the table it appears automatically, with Home marked as TBD
  • TBD as country will also be shown for users who have hidden/deleted their accounts. Note that such users will be removed from the table after 30 days anyway
  • Some data has restrictions added (besides the global user list and the last 30 days) to make it statistically meaningful. For example, in the "global numbers" section:
    • Highest rated breweries: To be included, a brewery needs at least 10 20 ratings (as defined by UT, meaning one person with multiple check-ins for the same beer counts as a single rating). Note: The threshold of 10 20might still be adjusted based on observations.
    • Highest rated beers: A beer needs at least 5 10 ratings (again, according to UT's methodology). Note: The threshold of 5 10 might still be adjusted based on observations.
  • In the table itself, the restrictions are:
    • Average Rating and Median Rating: Minimum 10 check-ins with a rating.
    • Top 5 Best Breweries: Minimum 3 check-ins with a rating.
    • Top 5 Repeated Beers: Minimum 2 ratings (makes sense, right?).
  • All visible Top X lists don’t allow ties, so theoretically, the last positions might have the same number of check-ins or the same average as some unseen entries. In such cases, the tiebreaker is alphabetical for general sections, while in the table, let’s just say it’s random.
  • Users in the main table are initially sorted by the number of check-ins. In case of ties, they're sorted by the number of unique beers, and if there's still a tie, alphabetically. Of course, you can always sort by clicking on the column header.
  • Each "Check-ins per day" chart has its own vertical scale, and the max value for that scale is visible in the next column, "Max Day."
  • Any questions, observations, ideas or spotted errors? Feel free to contact me (via FB Messenger -> Profile Picture Rami Ramidus)
  • As always - I take no responsibility for anything, but I do my best to ensure the data is accurate. Enjoy the stats! 😊 Ah, and sorry for my translator-assisted English 🙁